Thursday, July 31, 2008
Our Triplets!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Update on Carlos and Steven
Steven on arrival
Steven 10 days after arrival
These pictures are to give you an idea of what these little boys looked like when they came in and what they look like now. Steven still has little blisters on his body which were are treating and cleaning with an antibiotic wash and cream. He seems much more alert today and responsive. Steven has been off of oxygen all day today and seems to be doing well. He drank 2oz of milk on and off today. The moaning that was so consistent is less and less and he seems much more content. He sucks his fingers for comfort and we assume that this was a comfort to him, and maybe the only one, before he arrived at our door.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Emergency Room

Here is a comparison between Carlos' skin and the foot of a normal healthy baby. Notice the significant color difference and swollen creasing of the top foot

Steven: This baby was the third to arrive, and I guess I would say was in the worst condition. When Lori and I went down to look at him, and saw what condition he was in, we both cried as we carried him up the steps. It is so sad to see a baby in this condition no matter how many times you have seen it. He had sores all over his head and his body looked like it had been charred, and we found out later that he had indeed been burned. His skin on his body was dark and dry and was coming off in clumps. He is 16 months old and weighs around 9lbs and is swollen throughout his stomach and his legs. He will not drink anything by mouth, and is on IV's and being tube fed nasally. The father told one of the fellows that stays here that the child had been at the witch doctors for several weeks. We have no idea what they gave him there or what they subjected him to. The father said that many demonic things were done to the child in search of healing, and one practice that we are aware of is "baptism by fire". This practice involves building a bonfire and tossing the child over the fire from one adult to another. This is done to ward off evil spirits. From what we can tell, there is singed hair on his body and limbs and this is what has led us to believe that he was subjected to this horror. It appears to us that Steven is not responding to any affection or interaction. He is not consoled with human contact, and is only starting to be comfortable with being held. We bathe him daily and put Eucerin on his dry, singed body. Our hearts cry out for him for the pain that he suffers constantly at such a young age. He is not out of the woods yet, so your prayers would be appreciated. He is in respiratory distress and as we listen to him we are thinking more and more that it is due to smoke inhalation.

We are very thankful for the volunteers that have come to help us! They have all been wonderful at pitching in here and there with our emergency and the regular happenings in the house. This would have a very difficult time without their helping hands. We give God all the glory that these children are coming through these difficult circumstances.