Dieuridson came to us at 14 days old. He was very tiny and it was obvious that he was not completely healthy as his stool was incredibly(and we have seen a LOT of smelly and green, and he cried consistently of tummy aches. He seemed to be coming along, but then Saturday he started to take turn for the worse. By Sunday morning he was on IV's and oxygen and it became apparent that his bowel had perforated as he began vomiting feces and blood. We tried and he really fought to live, but he was very very sick. By Monday morning he gave up the fight and went gently and quietly into the arms of Jesus. We had a small funeral service for Dieuridson yesterday afternoon. It is always sad to lose a little one but we know that he is in the best place he could be.

Sara came Sunday morning. She was born to a young 20 year old girl who died during childbirth and had no one able or interested in caring for her child. Sara's father is 60 and cannot care for her. Some of the details of her birth and history are a little muddy. There is some investigation being done to ensure that we have all the correct information before she is permanently taken into our care. She is quite small and as far as we know spent first 8 days of her life drinking sugar water, so she has some weight to gain! Please pray that she gains weight well and adjust to formula well as she has diarrhea due to not drinking milk previously.
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