Thursday, October 21, 2010

Illness in Haiti and Mirebalais.

This was just posted by one of our volunteers this evening:
I just wanted to send out a quick prayer request. I'm sure many ofnyou have heard a bit about the sickness that has effected Haiti in the last few days. 14 people in our village have died and there have been a total of 134 deaths reported so far and approximately 1500 people effected by the illness. They believe it to be cholera, which is spread by contaminated water. I don't have a lot of details in front of me right now but I ask for prayer for those who have lost loved one through this and also that the Lord would protect our children here at HCH and also the people of Haiti! We are not seeing any signs of it in our children yet, and trust the Lord will keep his hand on us as he always has in the past. Thank you for all your prayers! The Lord bless you!

-Melissa Fehr

In addition to what Melissa wrote I would also like to ask you for your prayers. Also, if there are any nurses who would be willing to donate some time to HCH over the next few weeks please contact me at 352-307-2449 or We need at least one person on hand who is effecient at starting IV's.

God bless you,

Melinda Ulysse

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